Thursday, August 4, 2016

Open letter to PM Najib Najib: Who says Malaysia a failed nation under me? Read more: [sorry -the paragraphs deleted by the blog]

 Open letter to the PM Datuk Sri Najib by Joshua Y. C. Kong 4th August, 2016

 This is an open letter to you in response to the demand that no foreign intervention in Malaysia as he told the 12th WIEF and I quote: “Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak said today the Muslim world should reject foreign intervention, as it clearly leads to devastating results, as seen in many countries.”

 Was he referring at this special juncture of the Kleptocracy Assets Recovery Initiates (KARI) of US Department of Justice (DoJ)? If that is so he has to search his conscience if any, on the “Malaysian Official 1” or MO1.

 He has to accept that certain international laws had been abused and no exception for any action to be exempted from appropriate legal enforcement by foreign countries.

 The Muslim world is also part of the United Nations framework hence “foreign intervention” is inevitable unless Najib wants to have a new protocol and new definition in the international arena against public interest.

 Needless to relate to the importance of inter-related activities in the global context in various parameters especially in the economic sector especially Malaysia now in sort of horizon of the worst economic indicators in recent years when the foreign debts (registered or unregistered) rising from RM90b in 1998 to nearly RM1trillion (subject to review) in 2016.

 PM, you have to tell us how you would resolve the massive foreign debts largely accumulated by your Government since 2009 as we are at the edge of massive economic collapse as we cannot be isolated from global economy as we have seen in many countries around the world. Just to name a few nations in three continents in great distress like Greece in Europe where the people have to queue at ATMs for a week when banks were closed only limited to E60 per day while Greece was awaiting for financial bail out by EU.

 The other country is in Africa under one man rule of 34 years where the unemployment hit 90 percent, while more than 80 percent of the population was living on just US$2 per day.

In Venezuala of South America a very rich country in oil but the recent low prices resulted in the impact of the country's problems are all too obvious to most Venezuelans such as:-. • Shortages of food and home staples like milk, flour and toilet paper • Shortages of medicine • Rolling blackouts • Rising unemployment • Soaring violent crime • Even malaria, once almost eradicated, is back on the rise.

 Mr. PM, would you really be in the position of keeping Malaysia away from those economic crisis as experienced by many countries around the world? Malaysians do not want any such economic dilemma to come to our shores under your continued leadership of directionless. One thing is for sure that Malaysia is a small trading nation that is dependent of the development of the global trade and economy. It is in the air that USA may face an emerging bubble in derivatives investment market after two previous bubbles on stock/shares (2000) and subprime properties (2008) on and around two previous US elections on changing presidents.

The bubble on derivatives market worth USD553trillions could have a massive devastation globally if this market crashes as the banks concerned cannot support such value in a collapse.

So Mr. PM, what would you do if there is an impending bubble which would affect the Malaysia economy adversely? Would you go to some foreign countries for help or “intervention”?

 Even currently, you are selling some prime assets of 1MDB to foreigners to get cash to pay off debts. Malaysia does not have any reliable sovereign fund to bail out the nation when global economic crisis bites into the domestic economy which is very much dependent on exports or trade.

 Now according to data of Bank Negara Malaysia, various indicators of the balance of payment for the quarter 1 of 2016 were all down from the previous quarter. You remain indifferent to the decline. 

From all your attitudes and known behaviour since 2009 as PM, all the chances to keep Malaysia afloat economically is gone as demonstrated by recent denials in 1MDB vis-à-vis D o J in KARI and yet you have stated that you can save Malaysia and how would you do it based on entanglements in so many questioned involvements over 40 years in the political arena.

 How would you free yourself from excessive indulgence which is harmful to the society at large? Your deemed failure is not your own doings alone but the whole illegitimate Government has been disabled by measures you had initiated in recent years bias to race and religions.

I have challenged the legitimacy of your Government as most General Elections were rigged by the Election Commission especially I had lodged Police Reports on GE2004, GE2008 and even brought the rigged GEs to the High Court where cheating had occurred and the timeless challenge to the rigged GE2013 is still available due to the EC’s publication of two Gazettes on the results of the Elections.

 Details of the rigged GEs are available in the blogs and social media. Tun Dr. Mahathir had come up with a Save Malaysia Declaration (SMD) but how would this effort be meaningful when UMNO/exUMNO had its chances for more than 53 years of Malaysia and to arrive in today’s economic and financial decadence?

 Mr PM, you had instituted the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal immigrants Sabah (RCIIIS) in 2012 and then the distorted/manipulated Royal Report only came out on 4th December, 2014. Until today more than 18 months, nothing has been resolved in particular the disputed “Project IC” for a few decades already.

 Why have you allowed so many foreigners (dubious legal / illegal) in Sabah to result in GENOCIDE in Sabah embracing prevailing apartheid and ethnic cleansing as the definition and parameters of genocide? Are not these foreigners interfere with our natural life in Sabah also affecting adversely the nation? You told us to reject foreign intervention. So are you sound to remain the Prime Minister?

I would like to hear from the Chief Minister of Sabah if he agrees with the PM to reject foreign intervention?

 So Mr PM, why are you staying on power just like a failed person and failed leader with all sorts of denials? Are you trying to save yourself by wriggling by whatever means still available including further abuses of power?

 Since 2004, I have offer my determined effort to Save Malaysia with clean hands in what I call Interim Good Governance Government, Malaysia (IGGG M) which I consider as the most appropriate solution in a disintegrating community. IGGG (M) is also considered as ‘people power’ as the people has lost much faith in the prevailing political framework when the many opposition leaders can be from the bn/umno which had harmed the nation beyond recognition since 1963.

 Mr PM, please don’t delay to hand back your appointment to the YDP Agung for a peaceful and much appreciated transfer of power so that the Agung can install the IGGG M promptly to save Malaysia based on good governance. I am only asking for an interim of two years to resolve the key issues faced by the nation under the long and sole questioned Government of BN/UMNO lacking in check and balance. Joshua Y. C. Kong 4th August, 2016

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