The flora and fauna
going extinct can be adverted with EcoGeneration in a Mayhem message
In the letter in Daily Express
titled “Sabah’s wildlife may end up like rhino” 28/04/19, SM Mohd Idris , President Sahabat Alam
Malaysia mentioned that “at least one-fifth of mammals found in Malaysia is
facing extinction”. There is another
international report to support a petition to save the animals saying that “we’ve wiped out nearly TWO-THIRDS of animal
populations in just the last 50 years!”
So both are damn serious matters
and I believe both statements refer to the animals in the wild. I wonder how
they know and they are more concerned with the animals in wild than our
friendly animals like dogs in our homes.
I am very concerned that dogs as
depicted by the map outline of Sabah on the top of Borneo are really going
extinct and people is complacent or indifferent about it. Such extinction is
already in the pipeline by designs of the authorities and groups of people
supporting that motive. How to stop this trend?
Those animals in the wild fall into
the greedy hands of people who are more interested to destroy the natural
habitat of the wild animals to make money for themselves in mono crops of oil
palms and lesser into softwood. As the
greedy planters proceed to develop the plantations, many other greedy people
also make money killing wild animals for food and global trafficking in such
medicinal products. So is there any solution to prevent extinction of dogs and
wild animals?
I think the message to everyone
is that our dying earth for all known reasons is a certainty when our flora and
fauna are near depleted level to keep our earthly environment at a sustainable
position. Are we so clever to outdo God
with the once majestic earth at the beginning?
Did God make a mistake to give us the Garden Eden with all the flora and
fauna? Are we not about to go to eternity known and unknown to us sooner than
later? Many of us maybe perishing with
the fast rising temperature as compared with the fairly cool environment in my
childhood days in Labuan just before Malaysia.
One of our last few rhino Gelugob died in Lok Kawi zoo in January 2014 could
have died due to heat wave in the environment in the zoo where the mud pond had
little shade cover so unlike in natural cool habitat.
One of the main reason for our
diminishing dogs in our homes is our human attitude to care for them.
Don’t you see that birds of all
sizes and pigeons are coming to residential areas for food when food in the
jungles and forests have been depleted with poor quality and quantity of
So do we still have time to put
our effort together to stop the declining flora and fauna which need each other
when human beings need them most for our own existence? That is the imperative
message for all.
For Borneo especially Sabah, we
cannot rely on Heart of Borneo (HoB) alone for a sustained environment despite
11 years of global effort. Such effort must be tripled or many times when
Sarawak and Kalimantan must increase its areas for HoB by several folds.
Apart from that, we need massive
fund to make the desired impact in a range of enhanced activities to tackle the
rundown Borneo first and go out-reach to other regions and then the ends of the
For the funding intention we need
to set up a private Flora and Fauna Foundation with seeds money of USD10m as
part of the project for NGOs and individuals known as #EcoGeneration for social,
charity and revenue generating industries in the green sectors. #EcoGeneration after started would be a
sustainable coalition of ecologists, consumers and environmentalists for a
massive match to the global gigantic task to save the dying earth to save
ourselves and we start this pressing project in Sabah to mitigate the crisis
already at a late stage. Lets share the burden and don’t be deceived by all the
piecemeal efforts lacking oomph to deal with our only earthly habitat with the ‘locked’
resources we still have here on earth until we finally reach heaven. While we use our wealth in a mission to save
the earth, we store our wealth in heaven.
Joshua Y C Kong 1/5/2019
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