Friday, June 4, 2021

DEATH in police custody, we need to speak out DEATH in police custody, we need to speak out This is certainly BIG issue. But death in custody can be in any form. We really need to investigate from all angles. Was physical injuries sustained and by whom? The suspect could be in isolation for some hours and suicide cannot be ruled out. I am very glad that I am still alive to tell a very good story and possibly you don’t like to read because there is a lot of hate when I was in the Police station twice under arrest before in my life first in 1973 for illegal detention of 11 months without trial and then in 1990 for the false allegation by Police of false police report in connection with the provision of YS free fresh school milk but contaminated from 1986/1987 until 1993. I was under Police arrest because Cyril Y told me the then CM bribed 7 senior police officers to charge me. That charge for section 182 was in court from 1990 to 1994 until I was DNAA. With this PBS also lost power to power grab by BN/UMNO by illegal means. I could have stopped GE1994 in Sabah if I dared to lodge Police Report of the voting slips in Hyatt Hotel fully booked and no access to others just week prior to GE1994 in the presence of ‘guilty’ DSAI. I could end up with another Police arrest as my milk case is still hanging. So let by-gone be so. Back to the arrests in 1973 and 1990, it is believed that I was guilty already and received very harsh treatment then like in a cage badly treated. I had to sit out in the Police Station for hours before they transfer me to the Police cell and lawyers were not easily available. The Police would not provide drinking water and food for hours and some people could die from dehydration and hunger. Now come to the good story in 1990. I was arrested in Karamunsing Police station at about 1pm and no lunch or food as I went there to lodge Police Report on stalking by the milk man. I was without food and drinking water until 6pm when I was transferred to KK down town Police cell. The police station was filthy and lots of urine and faeces etc. I had survived because of God’s provision. Inside the cell was two Chinese gang members for 7 days remand (about to be released the next day) and a PTI. Also there was a pack of good seafood uneaten and the gang member R. Liew asked me to eat it. About half hour later, my ‘friend’ who had seen me in Karamunsing earlier came with a tak pau (pack) of food but I did not eat it but left it in the cell. At 9 pm, I was transferred to Tanjung Aru Police cell and all alone in that cell. If I had not being transferred to TA Police cell, I could have eaten that pack food for breakfast. I could be DEAD. If that happened, blame the Police or the one who ordered the packed food. My friend was just the caring messenger to bring me the pack. The Police can be blamed for not checking the brought in food, possibly poisoned to kill. While I was in the KK down town police cell, I shared Jesus to Liew and his gang member. Liew from All Saints School and an Anglican in his late thirties told me he never been to church for many years. But I told him he must go back to church. Then I was out of that Police Cell to Tanjung Aru. The next morning a senior officer came to TA police station and brought me to breakfast in a kedai kopi and then free on Police bail. A couple years later Liew touched by Jesus Christ became a full time priests. He even brought many others to come to Christ as he manned a fairly big church. So my little sharing to Liew (gangster head then) has borne indirect results for the hundreds or thousands coming to Christ. So God in Christ indeed cares for me in His mission to be accomplished not necessary as a clergy. In the 1973 case, I was remanded a few days in Tanjung Aru Police cells and tortured by revving up motor cycles and served all meals wrapped in used newspaper. That could have killed me. Was I guilty to be meted out such terrible treatment? Who decide? Police decided? So I have survived all the societal evil much, much more than mentioned about for God’s mission and now it is the setup of an international organisation NEW WEALTH ORDER inspired by God in Christy on 4th July 1999 and published on Sept 11, 2001. New wealth order albeit delayed 21 years would be headquartered in –must be- Sabah (all 9 top nations did not respond in 2001 with my book posted to them) for the global LIFE CHANGE impact and God fearing people are invited to join me. Read Malachi 3 and 4 for God’s wrath and God’s blessing as God cannot be wrong. Joshua Kong , prophet for lost and hidden stolen wealth, author and pioneer in New Wealth Order and FIRE (see Malachi 4) to set captives free before we meet God. 5 June, 2021.

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