Saturday, September 18, 2021

Project IC in Sabah by Mahathir & Musa Aman

Post time 15-1-2007 05:17 PM | Show the author posts only Reply Awards PRESS RELEASE OF JOSHUA Y. C. KONG on 14th January, 2007 14th January 2007 is the first anniversary of the programme under CASH in Patriotic Citizens Forum on Identity Cards (PaCiFIC). Thank God for a year of achievements with much sweat. The writing is on the wall, and we cannot wait another few years from 2007 since the 1980s when the IC given to outsiders were exposed. ICs were given much earlier as identified in my paper titled "the Number of EPIC of Sabah" delivered at the Suhakam's Roundtable Discussion on 31st July, 2006. To refresh our memory, I append below some of the extracts (3 examples) of the N13 Likas Election Courts proceedings also included in my book 'EPIC of Sabah'. 1. Daily Express (29-9-1999) under the title 'Foreigners voted for BN' claim' Dr Chong En Leong also told the court that some senior Umno members in the State were detained under the Internal Security Act (ISA) for their involvement in an IC falsification syndicate. They included Tawau Umno Deputy Chief Shamsul Alang, Datu Akjan, Jabar Khan and Dandy Pilo, among others. Some NRD officers and businessmen were also detained under the ISA for their part in the syndicate. Dr Chong said several Umno members in the State had been convicted in the courts for committing offence pertaining to IC falsification syndicate. According to Dr Chong, he believed Umno still continued giving Malaysian ICs to foreigners so that they can be registered as voters. Dr Chong also said Yong had made a statement that there are some 500,000 illegal immigrants residing in Sabah and those foreigners obtained blue Malaysian ICs and had become voters. Yong made the statement while attending a seminar held in Kuala Lumpur in 1992. He was then Sabah Deputy Chief Minister in the PBS Government. However, then Deputy Home Minister Datuk Megat Junit Megat Ayub refuted the statement and said only 20,000 genuine ICs had fallen into the hands of people suspected to be foreigners. 2. Daily Express 10.11.1999 Voters given cash and goodies Dr. Chong En Leong said during a hearing on objections on the revised Likas Constituency 1997 Electoral Rolls on Nov 11 last year, Aminah bte Selamat, a Filipina with an IC-H0555317, turned up and admitted casting her vote twice in the State election in Kudat using the IC of which she confessed as fake. Aminah, who is now staying at Kampung Pondo, Pulau Gaya, claimed that she obtained the IC through "Project Dr Mahathir" about eight years ago and other foreigners also managed to possess similar documents as a result of the "project IC campaign" during the same year. The court heard Aminah was born in the Philipines and came to Sabah 10 years ago but in her IC it was stated that she was born at Kampung Sembulan here. 3. '35 Lahad Datu Umno branch heads foreigners' Daily Express 13.11.1999 Mutalib Mohd Daud, author of the controversial book "IC Palsu Merampas Hak Anak Sabah" told the High Court Friday that 35 branch chairmen and 75 Umno members in Lahad Datu were allegedly registered as voters even though they were clearly foreigners. "While I was still executive secretary of Umno Youth for Lahad Datu division we had 34,026 members. But then it rose to 34,788 after I resigned," Mutalib said. Answering to a question, Mutalib said only about 14,000 party members there possessed IC while the rest he doubted. He told the court that 10,211 people had applied to get new ICs through a special project called "Project Dr Mahathir". From his findings, Mutalib said a company, Tadus Enterprise, wrote a letter to the Immigration Department in Lahad Datu on July 30, 1987, applying to the department to extend a work permit for one of its workers, Abdul Wahid Ahmad Soloko, with copies to the Counsul of Indonesia, Malaysian Migration Fund Board and the Labour Department there. "In the letter, it stated that Abdul Wahid had a work permit with serial number 39522. However, the man had an IC which he allegedly used to become a member of Umno in Sabah," he told the court. The above are only three extracts of the reported proceedings in N13 Likas 1999 Court case. Whether the present Chief Minister is sincere or not regarding his intention and action over the IC crisis, we all know that the IC issue had been exposed much earlier in the 1980s. I wrote that letter in May 1987. Now the figure of dubious citizens had become 1-2 millions. Then there is a letter in Daily Express Forum (14-01-2007) by the ex MP of Kota Belud where he mentioned a Federal Ministry figure in the Parliament in 1990. I believe this person is none other than the Deputy Home Minister as recorded in the Court Case, where it was revealed as only 20,000 genuine ICs had fallen into the hands of people suspected to be foreigners. The ex MP also failed to raise the alert of dubious citizens after the General Elections in 1989. So did the Government deal with those 20,000 dubious citizens then although this figure is very small? Did the Government act on the question of ex MP of Kota Belud in Parliament? So that was in 1990. Then there was the N13 Likas Election Court Case which had a lot of data on the IC Crisis in 1999 and yet nothing was done by the Government although 'Project M' was mentioned several times. How could such serious allegation escape the arms of the Law if the Government is serious then and now? Datuk Yong Teck Lee the other defendant did not raise the alert over those dubious citizens of Project M in 1999/2001, and why only brought it to the Police in January 2007? part 1 0f 2 2# Author| Post time 15-1-2007 05:19 PM | Show the author posts only part 2 Even in 1999, the names of perpetrators were mentioned and only two namely Hassnar and Jabar had come out to admit past wrongs. Where are the rest of possible more than 40 persons including 2 exDirectors of NRD also detained under ISA? I believe most of them had been rewarded somehow after detention and one of them is known to be awarded a high profile Government project but so much abused that it was abandoned. Now in 2007, Musa Aman reiterated in today's papers that the Government would act on the dubious citizens. So it is 20 years too late, when the dubious citizens had multiplied many folds. We have reached the latest high level of alertness due to the hard and bitter struggle of CASH in PaCiFIC started on 14th January, 2006. Needless to remind the Government of the consequences of 'harbouring' 1-2 millions dubious citizens in Sabah with some of them holding senior Government positions. It is known that a RED IC holder is now a director. We also know that the present Government is in a precarious position to handle the genuine identity cards in the hands of foreigner. It is in a Catch 22 situation to rid such holders of dubious IC. Musa, the buck must stop and no more acting. We know there is a vicious predicament to deal with the illegals especially those already used for political gains in the past, but such dubious people are getting an upper hand to do devastation in Sabah via their imported lawless culture and gangsterism. (Mayor Kota Kinabalu -DE 5th August 2005). Only new people needed to address this IC Crisis through a process of 'emergency' and Royal Commission of Inquiry with power to act on dubious citizens not only recommend measures while it is pointless to call fresh State general elections when the faulty electoral rolls are loaded with EPIC or dubious citizens. So in the interest of the local people of Sabah once so peaceful, and the present and future generations, we must get rid of the illegal Government in Sabah. I can say that after lodging the report to the Police (KK/rpt/10281/06) and the ACA over the conduct of the Election Commission at the 11th National General Elections and 10th Sabah General Elections in March 2004. In this 'electoral fraud' context, Sabah had seen quite a few successive illegal Governments since April, 1967. As the present Government is so impotent to deal with the dubious and dead claim on Sabah by the Philippines, the same problem since 1962 would not simply go away. How can the leadership had failed to address the dubious claim to rid it once and for all? The ill intention had been proven once again, when the Philippines wanted to intervene in the ICJ's case of Malaysia and Indonesia over the two islands Ligitan and Sipadan. The Philippines knew from the outset that it does not have the good solid ground to stake the claim legally that it chose to submit a brief and weak demand of intervention just to be spoilers. So I had taken the initiative to drive the illegal people (including EPIC) from Philippines away from Sabah with the ridiculous excuse on the dubious claim by filing a complaint to the International Criminal Court (ICC) on crimes against humanity committed in Sabah for 40 years. That is worth at least RM40 billions in compensation. If the present Malaysian and Indonesian Government shad allowed the Indonesians to come into Sabah so easily to cause so much rampage in Sabah, for reasons known to them, then this is worth another RM40 billions in compensation as I had also filed a complaint to the ICC for the rampage and other crimes deemed to be crimes against humanity committed in Sabah. I had also filed a complaint to the ICC against Malaysia for ethnic cleansing (hideous Project M included) and apartheid ( breach of Malaysia Act included) worth at least RM40 billions. So why want to believe what the "illegal Government by illegal people, for illegal people and by illegal people" had been saying about the dubious people. The Government had said "settle the illegals living in Sri Tanjung squatters away from Maang but in Sabah" hence it has demonstrated in the bias and lopsided treatment of the Sri Tanjung case with likely only 20% local as sort of confirmed by the Investigation Committee. That kind of power abuse tantamount to harbouring illegal cannot take any reasonable action to resolve the IC Crisis long overdue. I also believe the NRD and Immigration Department are reluctant to address the IC Crisis as they failed to turn up to clear doubts at the Suhakam Roundtable Discussion on 31st July, 2006. They were reluctant to answer many questions at the Street Kids International Conference organised by Tenaganita on 16-18th November 2005. Have NRD and ID answered the hundreds of questions supplied to the Parliamentary Select Committee on Integrity, August 2006? So the best way forward is for the illegal Government to vacate its power. Armed with the creditable claims for RM120 billions in compensation, I would like to takeover the mission to do justice for Sabah by local people. I would have a better chance to pursue the complaints to the ICC. Illegal Government cannot do justice for Sabah and similarly outsiders with 'good intentions' would not do justice for Sabah now. Finally, I am signing off as an individual in all sincerity as this issue is largely my personal effort with the depth of understanding since 2000 rather than as Secretary General of CASH. Joshua Y. C. Kong Author, Chartered Accountant, Activist, Concerned Patriotic Citizen from Labuan (1948), Independent Candidate of Api-Api 1986; Independent Candidate of N13 Likas By Election 2001. Detainee (PPSR 11 months) without trial 1973/1974 (dark age)

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