Saturday, April 20, 2024

God appointed OWN for me

Testimony/message of God to me on 1st November, 2021 (All Saints Day) by Rev Koo Tuk su [NB: this is a draft subject to confirmation by Dr.Grace and Rev Koo] This is the transcript by me as Rev Koo Tuk Su shared the message of God in a suddenly arranged zoom session by Dr. Grace Yong with me over my posting in Telegram’s Refugee. My posting in Telegram asking for help of RM10k was deleted as told by Dr. Grace Yong but I was not disappointed and instead three of us had an almost two hours dialogue over my situation. Dr. Grace started the zoom session with what I wrote especially those words HALLOWEEN and Suicide of someone in my appeal for help. It was Halloween simply the help was requested on 31 October 2021 . Dr. Grace and others appear to be concerned over my impression of some problems. So Dr Grace wanted to have a clear mind over me. Rev Koo Tuk su was the Dean of All Saints Cathedral where I was and am still a member. So I explain everything Dr. Grace inquired of my mental capacity at first hand. [ very good of Dr. Grace to be concerned] NB my notes in [… ] It was almost an hour of dialogue between Dr. Grace and myself for almost an hour, and much were discussed. I am not to go into details of that dialogue. So when the dialogue finished, it was turn for Rev Ko Tuk Su to come on to say his piece as a good listener. Rev Koo started his message of God with “ God knows your heart, God knows your heart Joshua and what is in your heart right now” [deep in my heart I know what God wanted to convey what I already know in my heart as it is a new love affair and cannot be disclosed apart from other routine]. Rev Koo did mention that God had preserved me for so long for 73 years and not easy to be alive for so long and will use me for greater things in His kingdom.” He went on to say smoothly as “ God also know what you have been doing and what you would be doing in many words as directed by God, and he said that Joshua had gone through a great deal in challenges and all the hurts” [ I cried in my heart and tears did come out as a relief of stress so far bottled up, and God is indeed very good as He acknowledged my many untold suffering] and Rev Koo did mention from God that my life would go a new direction for better days ahead.” Rev Koo continued with God’s message that “ I have to read and digest the Bible more and more. [I know I am behind in reading the Bible] Rev Koo “repeated that and urged me to read the Words of God several times”. [so this is very important for the new direction]. Rev Koo did say “God loves me and cares for me. God would use you to share His words to the world. People would only listen to me. Every where people would look for you and hear you.” [ to me I have no capability right now to have such global influence unless Organisation Wealth Order OWN materialises with great success in the global community. I have no theology degree, no theology training, no preaching, no outreach right now, no Christian ministry, lack funding, lack support from anyone. So in this context, it is the great impact of OWN that can touch the lives of the people and that is confirmation that the God’s OWN would be the direction for me and God is telling me to go forth with OWN and OWNDIGICOIN just in the starting stage.] Conclusion by me:- It may be strange that my appeal for only RM10k has turned some hearts to enable me to receive the divine priceless message from God through Dr. Grace and Rev Koo to enable me to move forward in a tremendous direction of many trillions of USD in OWN. This is in my heart right now and God has brought me a new partner in an unusual way. Praise God that I can live long to accomplish God’s mission as He also indicated that he will keep me alive to do that. Transcript prepared by Joshua Y C Kong 17/11/2021

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