Thursday, February 21, 2019

Who say cannot stop PPBM to come to Sabah ?

Who say cannot stop PPBM to come to Sabah ?

If Sabah and Sarawak CMs could ban political and NGO leaders from Peninsula Malaysia to enter the states and so the State Government can ban undesirable parties from Malaya who champion race and religion to enter the States as the disunity motive is so much undesirable in the context of Malaysia Agreement 1963 (MA63) with terms meant for a united Malaysia.

MA63 does include race and religion and that do affect good and harmonious relationship in Sabah and Sarawak with a demographic variance in Borneo states.  Sabah did not have an official religion until Tun M changes it in 1973 when it was the dark age.  Even the original Oath Stone in Keningau guaranteeing no official religion was somehow removed and only replaced accordingly in 2018.  What does UMNO really champion? UMNO champions race and religion when and where Malay= Muslim=Malay according to Mahathir. UMNO always screaming Malay & Islam...and so when UMNO came to Sabah, that voice was so loud and also insulting to others especially in Sabah.  Also UMNO sent all the vehicles on race and religion since 1963 without respect to MA63. All those vehicles on race and religion incur a lot of tax payer money with or without UMNO presence in Sabah.   All those violations to make Malaysia and Sabah islamic are illegal hence UMNO was illegal in the national context. Now PPBM or Bersatu also in the same vein of UMNO as Mahathir always say so... and so steer clear of Sabah in honour of MA63.

Another heinous crime committed by UMNO under the leadership of Mahathir was the denied Project IC in Sabah since 1980s and then accelerated in 1990s so much so there were 1 million and more project IC holders of illegal people in Sabah then. Now it is very likely to be 2 millions of such project IC holders in Sabah as a majority displacing local people and that can be termed “GENOCIDE” with  the criminal ingredients of ethnic cleansing and apartheid which have  been the scorn of the world.

In the news article “Previous govt stole rights of sabah” (DE Feb 15, 2019), Senator Datuk Douglas Lind has expressed support for Prime Minister Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad’s suggestion to clean up the electoral rolls to improve Malaysia’s system.  Senator Datuk Douglas Lind went on to say something “dreadful” about the thorn in the flesh about matters stated in the Royal Commission of Inquiry on Illegal Immigrants Sabah (RCI IIS).   Unfortunately, Douglas did not mention MA63 which was not implemented for rights of Sabah.

This project IC earlier started by USNO times had been expanded by UMNO in 1990s so much so that the socalled “Race and Religion” in the demographic percentage had surged from an original low figure to nearly 70% in 2000 State Census  so much so that the Government of the day considered Sabah as an “Islamic” state resulting in oppressive measures against others.

It was indeed sad and regretable that no consideration was made to prohibit UMNO to enter Sabah in 1990 under MA63 as the leaders both Federal and State leaders had never considered MA63 in the building of a harmonious society devoid of the race and religion as far as it concerns Sabah in Malaysia.

So against a background of MA63 with so many violations –financial, economic, basic human rights, religious rights, racial rights, education, languages, universal rights, PPBM should rectify all these shortcomings before it can even consider coming to Sabah and Sarawak. PPBM and UMNO are both championing similar narrow bias attitudes/sentiment/intention and continue to do harmful ways for Malaysia.

It was indeed a very grave mistake to have allowed UMNO into Sabah in 1990s and now the same grievous mistake cannot be repeated for PPBM to enter Sabah and Sarawak in the belated context of MA63 in both spirit and letter thereof.  Keep the “poison” of race and religion in Peninsular Malaysia in the personal agenda of the leaders. When that “poison” comes here, it can cause disarray in the nation.
Joshua Y C Kong 20/2/2019

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