Monday, November 27, 2017

Not another red herring instate Heritage Bill 2017

Not another red herring in State Heritage Bill 2017

The State Legislative Assembly on 23rd November, 2017 passed the State Heritage Bill 2017, in its bid to preserve the state’s heritage in a more organized, orderly and comprehensive way. The said bill was done as the current law that governed the state’s heritage, the Enakmen Warisan Budaya (Pemuliharaan) 1997, was not comprehensive.

The new Bill will cover two aspects, namely, cultural heritage (which will be divided into ‘tangible’ and ‘intangible’ heritage) and natural heritage.

I believe mangrove swamp and coral reefs around our seashores and shore line once were substantial not so long ago. Could such sites be declared heritage sites although some areas have been declared park areas? So is there any distinction between heritage sites and park zones?

We are happy some wetland in Kota Kinabalu had been declared as heritage site.

If you go overseas, so much heritage sites had been conserved to bring the past alive when we visit such valuable sites.

Is what we have done in Sabah good enough even Sabah has a short history on paper?

Heritage is so wide in terms of substance and form and likely inherited by the people like various legacies. Would there be adequate laws to ensure that heritage is protected? Do we think all heritage items would be retained by any existing laws? Isn’t it human nature to preserve what we treasure on earth without compulsion of the laws? Legacies have been passed on for centuries.

What can be so valuable any heritage item is none other natural items as in Sabah the famous Mount Kinabalu as world heritage site?

Allan Chin, a prolific writer on the second world war experiences with most of the materials published in Daily Express in the 1990s and his many contributions in documents and artefacts of his time to Sabah State Museum. I got acquainted with him when I first started work in Telecom Department in 1969 for a few months. He had commissioned me to compile a book of his extra-ordinary survival life especially during the second world war in the interior of Sabah. I have yet to accomplish that effort for lack of fund.

If we go by the natural items for heritage purpose, I believe we have lost so much in term of biodiversity in a tropical country like us as biodiversity as intangible with the massive deforestations in the few decades since 1970s.

If we think cultural heritage is important in Sabah, we may yet to lose all the ethnic cultural practices with conversion to certain religions as such religions do change the diverse living practices of the local people. I have seen some adults possibly “teachers” in a pre-school place near my home showing their eyes only. Is that a new heritage for Sabah? Some call that “arabisation”? Would this be acceptable?

It is very unfortunate that Sabah has lost a lot of heritage items in the short decades of independence in the name of development without regards of the heritage value.

The late Allan Chin did share with me that heritage items handed over to the authorities like the State Museum for perpetuity as national treasures could be lost/misplaced/stolen without trace.
Just a short list of such losses like in Kota Kinabalu where coastal land had been reclaimed and likely still ongoing so much so that seashores down the southern part off Kota Kinabalu have resulted in massive erosion especially in Papar where Pantai Manis is no longer a white sandy beach but replaced by rocks to stop the erosion worsening. Any reclamation of shore would disturb the original equilibrium of water level and waves impact elsewhere over time inevitably. So the coastline along the west coast of Sabah is at varying level of erosion. Do we ever learn from such adverse developments?

Many other heritage areas of sort in Kota Kinabalu could have been replaced by commercial and industrial projects without any consideration for their heritage value. Kampong Ayer aka Singgah Mata in KK once the birth places of the many rich people is no longer there and simply reclaimed for some “white elephant” projects like the abandoned Star city for some years already. Another “posh” project is still unoccupied. Are the ghosts/spirits of the past ‘revisited’ such places?

We could have lost Likas Bay to a commercial project with massive reclamation if not with a timely intervention of opposition thereof. Is there a talk of such project again there?

There is still another commercial project near the sports complex which is still incomplete and possibly abandoned for good with eyesore since Berjaya time with very modern features?

We also could have lost the famous wooden Athkinson clock tower since 1905 with another commercial project but objected too with a judicial review. Why was the well-connected premises of Kota Kinabalu recreation club building near the Athkinson clock tower demolished prematurely?
We also lost the wreckage treasure near Kota Belud to theft.

I think every city would have a prominent active clock tower and why the clock tower of Sabah Friendship League at the Bandaran Berjaya Roundabout with the most posh building in Hap Seng Star nearby also not maintained or retained? Maybe a new rotating clock be built on the Hap Seng Star?

There is also talk of the existing KK market (now a heritage site) to give way to new commercial project.

Do we think the present Government really serious about the loss of so many heritage items in KK and elsewhere in such short period despite the latest heritage enactment 2017?

We have yet to lose our largest and most valuable green zone in Tanjung Aru Beach to what some want to call that Tanjung Aru Eco Development or TAED to some “private group”. Even the land of few hundred hectares had been alienated with little public knowledge. It is largest and most valuable as it is alleged that TAED project with economy not ecology understanding/format is worth anything like RM30billions and more. Even before the project is yet to be approved in its finality through the various processes, many buildings there could be heritage items and yet the “socalled” landowner has “allowed” such buildings to be destroyed thus losing the heritage values. Such heritage buildings should have been protected and maintained according to the terms of said land title.

We must now without wasting any value in term of heritage declare Tanjung Aru Beach (TAB) an heritage site and stop TAED in view of the latest enactment on heritage items .

By preserving TAB a priceless icon in all aspects, it is worth much more than RM30b as it can bring in more billions of tourist dollars annually for decades without incurring anything like RM5b as “renovation” expenses now for TAED.

Please don’t tell me that some people can do better than God is its natural habitat in TAB? Who are fooling who?

God has spoken of His creation in this instance especially with the passing of the latest timely heritage bill, and many concerned people have also spoken over TAB in the delayed TAED, hence it is most appropriate to save TAB with a natural heritage tag for perpetuity as God has meant it to be.

Joshua Y. C. Kong 27/11/2017

Sunday, November 19, 2017

IGP, the blame game is over and real action is due.

IGP, the blame game is over and real action is due.  
I would like to refer to the statement made by IGP under the front page title “Why cops are probing Ambiga” (DE 12/11/2017).
What IGP said and I quote “He said that the Police have a standard procedure to follow when complaints are made” and “When people lodge Police Reports, we have to investigate. If we don’t investigate, we will be blamed, if we investigate, we will still be blamed,”
That kind of true statements do give some hope or even false hope to many who have lodged legitimate Police Reports.
Can we fault him for such a right view?  But the reality is far from it.
I have lodged in recent decades more than 30 Police Reports (see list below) but how have they fare in the Police dealing with such reports?  I have yet to receive any positive action and do not know the consequences of them.  There were some initial responses but very brief and soon fizzled out and forgotten.  Where are my Police Reports now if I may ask?  Most of them are concerning frauds, corruptions, mismanagement, national profligacy etc hence no time limitation.  Aren’t such issues still very much alive and need to be addressed accordingly?  We have many national scandals over the few past decades and not abating when the amounts thereof involved as escalating.
One of my Police Reports in 2004 was revived in my last letter as published in Daily Express (19/11/2017) over fake Ringgit Malaysia currency notes.  Actually the Police Report was followed up with another Police Report -Karamunsing/012023/09 27 July 2009.  Today the same issue remains unattended to by the relevant authorities concerned.
Actually I followed up by bring them to the MACC, Suhakam, Public Complaints Bureau but to no avail.  Why?  All my Police Reports are well supported by documents and 30 Police Reports come in dossier of almost two inches of double pages A4 papers. 
My effort in raising issues is part and parcel of my previous involvement in the Federal Audit Department with that “blood in my vein” but now in different role as a patriot in public duty.  In today’s term it is akin to “drain the swamp in Putrajaya”. I hope the relevant authorities are fully aware of the critical issues I have raised and they are “mired” in that culture too.  
I would take this opportunity to raise an observation when I was asked to approach the commercial crime department after lodging a Police Report on an abandoned commercial project of 13 years due to frauds.  When the Police Inspector saw my Police Report’s cover at a glance, it was rejected instantly. How can such attitude be acceptable?
IGP also said that the said allegation is about RM90m.  But my Police Reports are worth RM 30 trillions (this and future generations) as the country may go in oblivion with string of massive scandals unless we deal with the collapsing financial systems.  We not only lose massive amounts but who are going to pay the massive escalating national debts as a results of such scandals aplenty.
Indeed too much is at stake nationwide and who do we blame?

30 POLICE REPORTS of Joshua Kong worth RM30 trillions and more
1. Police Report on EPIC (Extra People IC) 28 October 2004 KK/rpt/23408/04
2. PR and ACA -The RM5 Billion water Malaise in Sabah 28 Oct 04 KK/RPT/23409/04 and ACA submitted on 15-3-04.
3. UMNO Sabah and its landed properties(USH) KK/rpt/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 **
4. UMNO Sabah and its membership (USKA) KK/rpt/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 **
5. Bank Negara & Ringgit Notes (BNRM) KK/rpt/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 **
6. Non Revenue Water (NRW) KK/rpt/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 **
7 . Petronas & Sabah (P&S) KK/rpt/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 **
8. Identity Cards -genuine and dubious in the hands of illegals under P1/P2 'Project Mahathir' Karamunsing Rpt/0227/06 21 June 06 (Jointly with President of Consumer Association of Sabah & Labuan FT (CASH) & Hashima Hasbullah of CASH)
9. On the conduct of the 11th National General Elections and 10th Sabah State General Elections- 21 March 2004 by the Election Commission (EC) K'sing/Rpt/10281/06 26 December 06
10. Police Report on Land Issues in Sabah Karamunsing/002428/07 14 February 2007
11. Police Report on our security and sovereignty K'sing/ 003948/07 16 March 2007. (Jointly with President and Secretary General of CASH)
12. POLICE REPORT ON a gangster SOH See Yee@Gary Su/Soo Luyang/002101/07 15 June 2007
13. POLICE REPORT ON Datuk Dr. Hj Patawari bin Hj Patawe Nric 571227-12-5051/H6008708/ 571227-71-5051 K'sing/008725/07 15 June, 2007
14. POLICE REPORT on EPIC OF SABAH K'sing/010000/07 07/07/2007 %%.
15. Police report on Sabah wealth as near gone K'sing/010000/07 07/07/2007 %%
16. Police Report on EC=Electoral Corrections K'sing/011997/07 10/08/2007
17. Police report on SESB for frauds against consumers K'sing 0015944/07 19th October 2007
18. Daily Express & Mr. Kassim Sangi (criminal injustice) Luyang/003634/07 19/10/07
19. Foreign Banks Accounts (corruption?) Luyang/004218/07 10/12/07
20. UK Arms deal with M'sia (corruption) Luyang/004222/07 10/12/07
21. Report on 18 Police Reports (Reminder) Luyang/004222/07 10/12/07
22. Pakistani with Mykad & 1 year Passport Luyang/001099/08 08/04/08
23. Frauds of General Elections 2008 Luyang/001100/08 08/04/08
24. Malaysia Agreement & Breaches K'sing/008525/08 06/06/2008
25. Petroleum Development Act and (Petronas), PM & NPA Council L/002072/08 11/7/ 08
26. ADUN Nilwan Kabang & MyKadnya L/002073/08 11th July, 2008
27. kejangakan atau perbuatan membazir atau memboros bangsa negara [ Profligacy of national resources] 3 Februari 2009.
28. Crisis of Sabah Consumers Association Tanjung Aru/000472/09 bt 06/02/09
29. Bank Negara Malaysia and my outstanding Police Reports treated as No further action. (Police report Karamunsing/012023/09 27 July 2009)
30. Sabah Consumers Association Crisis (2nd Report) Police report Karamunsing/012025/09 27 July 2009
I have also lodged Report to MACC, Suhakam and Biro Pengaduan Awam for the outcome if any of those Police Reports. These Police Reports are posted online in my blog.
Blame game must be over and the Police must do its duty accordingly without fail.
Joshua Y C Kong.  20/11/207

Saturday, November 11, 2017

Set up RCI on the status of Ringgit Malaysia currency notes now.

Set up RCI on the status of Ringgit Malaysia currency notes now.
I lodged Police Report at Karamunsing Police Station, K Kinabalu on 21 Dec 2004, with reference KK/RPT/27530/04 21 Dec 2004 on Bank Negara and Currency notes of varied sizes of same denomination based on my letter published in Daily Express titled "Why are Ringgit notes of different sizes?" (Daily Express 24 November 2002)
In that letter I wrote as follows: “Has anyone actually checked those Ringgit notes we have?
Most of us would presume everything is all right. But, I just could not believe when I found that the notes were all of different sizes even though they were of the same value denomination.
I would imagine that currency notes of such official quality would adhere to standard sizes as legal tender.
But checking less than 50 pieces of notes I had, I observed that the sizes are different, up to half a centimetre (cm) in width or height.
What would be the first impressions if such notes are of various sizes with modern printing technologies of precision? There may be many reasons for such manifestations.
Would it be possible that "rejected" goods in the finished notes had come back into the circulation? Has any commercial bank noticed such anomalies?
Would the relevant authorities enlighten us?
Since 24th November 2002, there appears to be no official reply and so I would like the Police to conduct an investigation into such discrepancies which can be tens of billions worth of Ringgit in the market place in circulation.
Against a background of many reports of fake notes, but such notes appears to be legal tenders as these notes are cashed out from the banks. Why should such varied sizes by measurement are in circulation?
As it is a great financial concern, it would appear that the Bank Negara as the issuing bank of legal tender may be neglecting in its enforcement of only quality notes to be in circulation, not to give consumers raw deals hence affecting public confidence in the economy.
Has the Bank Negara investigated into such discrepancies in the sizes of respective denominations and come out with a report for such occurrences? “
In that Police Report, I supported it with an illustration of discrepancies of RM5 as per attached.
The Australian newspaper “The Age” broke the story in 2012.  It was also reported that “The Age had reported that anti-graft authorities believe Securency International and NPA allegedly sought to bribe Abdullah in 2003, with part of RM13.5 million in commissions made to two Malaysian middlemen.”
The Australian police inquiry began in May 2009 after The Age exposed the scandal.
In July, 2011, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) conducted joint investigations with the Australian Federal Police (AFP) in which six Australian executives from the two banknote companies, and two Malaysians were arrested.
Securency International prints polymer banknotes for 30 countries and was responsible for the 1998 Kuala Lumpur Commonwealth Games RM50 commemorative notes. The company itself has also been charged with three counts of conspiracy to influence foreign officials.
Eight executives from two firms either wholly or part-owned by RBA – NPA and Securency International – are facing claims they conspired to bribe officials at foreign banks to secure contracts to make plastic banknotes.
This is said to be one of the worst cases of corruption in Australian history.
Did my Police Report in 2004 initiated/inspire Police action? The Police never came back to me on such an important matter.  What happen in Australia vis-à-vis Malaysia only confirms that the smoke of fake currency has been burning in Malaysia.  The case in Australia further confirms that Ringgit Malaysia is fake due to the dubious quality for decades.  With the allegation of corruption and frauds concerned, who had actually printed the Ringgit Malaysia notes?  The questioned quality of the currency notes gives away the “secret” of the printers as not at all professional and could be done by some legal or illegal subcontractors on the cheap?  Can we blame Bank Negara possibly deep in the deplorable deals for accepting very poor quality notes which are indeed fake.
What inspires me to check the Ringgit Malaysia notes is that in the social media recently, there were fresh allegation of fake RM50 notes of a different perspective.  So when I got 4 pieces of RM50 notes from bank’s ATM, I decided to check them.  What I discovered was a shock and shared in Facebook and social media to confirm that RM50 notes are fake as we do not know which one is genuine as per attached illustrations of all the visible discrepancies in all 4 pieces of RM50.
Someone I met just now asked me to lodge Police Report but I told him already done in 2004.  Now lets the public court decide how our longstanding BN Government not doing genuine justice in the context of many trillions of valueless paper money in Ringgit Malaysia very poorly printed.  So anyone could generate such notes in bundles and use them freely as seen in the social media of some foreign tourists.
What is the issue now? Many especially those in authorities pretend to be serious whenever fake issues arise such as fake identity cards, fake project IC holders, fake licences, fake birth certificates, fake Police Reports and many fakes including press items and the list can go on.
Bank Negara lost allegedly RM30billions and more in foreign currencies/Ringgit Malaysia deal and this debacle was subject of a Royal Commission of Inquiry just concluded recently after more than two decades.  Why not a pressing Royal Commission of Inquiry albeit belatedly be formed to scrutinise the fake currency notes worth many trillions of Ringgit Malaysia?
No cover up now as we do not really know which is the edition of genuine Ringgit Malaysia  currency notes now in circulation.
Please put this very critical issue to rest for all the people/taxpayers and consumers with an RCI.
Joshua Y C Kong, 11/11/2017

Sunday, November 5, 2017

Can the nation draw a blank in Putrajaya over IC crisis?

Can the nation draw a blank in Putrajaya over IC crisis?
It is indeed a great reminder albeit too late after more than 2 decades that the popular Daily Express had a front page headline “Foreigners with 'blank passports'” on Sunday 5th November, 2017 as it was reported that The Immigration Department is aware of some foreign workers in the State having "blank passports" but do not consider it serious.

The actual number of employers involved is not known, said Sabah Immigration Department Director Musa Sulaiman.
How can the Immigration Department tell us that they “do not consider it serious” with such criminal apathy when Sabah is already “ethnic cleansed” by foreigners with illegal Malaysian documents issued by the Government/ Government approved modus operandi such as Project IC albeit it was denied at the time the Royal Commission of Inquiry’s  Report on Illegal Immigrants Sabah (RCI IIS) was issued on 3th December, 2014. 
It was heard earlier in the ‘High Court’ Hearing on RCI IIS since 2013 over a few months that Project IC had occurred and this item was totally “erased” in the said Report.  Even Musa Aman called in the Attorney General to intervene in the hearing after Dr. Chong En Leong made the court disclosure. Nothing of this was mentioned in the Report. So what now?
I was earlier subpoenaed to appear in RCI IIS hearing but it was “aborted” after I had provided all the evidence in very voluminous documents on Project IC and illegal /dubious immigrants in Sabah to the officers working on that hearing.  If I had attended the RCI hearing, I would have exposed the “blank passport”.
Coming back to the blank passports in the hands of illegal people, I was given a copy of that with sight of the original copy about twenty years ago.  (copy is attached with this letter).  Was it ever revealed by the authorities concerned before?  So it is likely most of these people had been given/secured project ICs to remain in Sabah and Malaysia to commit all sorts of crimes including “genocide” of the local people so much out-numbered by them.  I will later list some of the heinous crimes committed by them as reported or unreported in the mass media and social media.
Such project IC holders have infiltrated into important and crucial sectors like the various security and public services sectors dubbed as “Trojan horses” hence very much complicated the crisis of identity in Sabah and Malaysia.
I also discovered a case where IC fraud had been committed by a public listed company and its director over a questioned documentation and a Police Report was lodged by me more than a decade ago.  Would Bursa Malaysia act on such cases and many other possible cases likely committed to betray our economy?
The lists of heinous crimes include terrorism (both exposed and unexposed- local and export), and many adverse developments had been identified in my book “EPIC of Sabah” in three editions and a major edition thereof to include RCI IIS has been delayed.  Sabah is indeed sadly and unfortunately besieged by such people with hearts and attitudes elsewhere.
Despite many promises from the BN Government, nothing much in terms of action has emerged over the Report of RCI IIS since 3rd December, 2014 except some superfluous “action” committees defaulting on their objects.
RCI IIS was approved by the Prime Minister just within the threshold of the impending General Election 13 -2013 possibly to give some “false hope” then and now seen to be so as it is now after 3/4 years, nothing in term of real action of the Report of RCI IIS has been done.
So we are now in the threshold of the impending General Elections 14 in 2017/2018.  Are we to see some real meaning to the RCI IIS except some glaring crimes on Immigration and Identity Cards like this one on the “blank passport”?  We don’t want reactions from the Government sectors and the opposition alike over the “blank passports” but real action to resolve the crisis of identity due to excessive illegal people especially those Project IC holders of at least 5 millions including 2 millions in Sabah.
The Government always boasts of the rule of laws including some “dubious” and senseless laws overlapping each other.  I hope the legal fraternity would review all the laws to allow implementation thereof with true justice by the “independent” judiciary.  Why was the judiciary involved in the issue of dubious birth certificates of foreigners and yet with impunity to the offence?
Would any incoming new or revised incumbent Government retained handle the Report of RCI IIS accordingly with appropriate action to put the records straight so akin to “drain the swamp of Putrajaya”?
Joshua Y C Kong  6/11/2017