Monday, March 23, 2020

COVER for New Wealth Order – must read and ponder

COVER for New Wealth Order – must read and ponder

From the desk of Joshua Y C Kong, voice 2020
Today we are entering the new era of COVER as a global revolution and the harsh one is COVER standing for COrona Virus Environment Revolution or more gentle one as COsumers’ Vertical  Environment Recovery, a new term to take cognition of #EcoGenerations to save the depleted earth to save ourselves.

In COVER, it is a revolution or recovery when the sky turns blue from haze, renewal energy especially electricity not from fossil fuels, new herbal treatment away from the old redundant drugs; reinvent the pristine forests in logged over land mass of billions of acres; poor and rich survivors can find new beginning in a diminished global economy with emergence of New Wealth Order; digital currencies is a solution as a replacement of contaminated fiat ones in the world; organic quality food instead of plastic and GMO products;  a new spiritual awakening in Christ.

New Wealth Order is inspired by Jesus on July 4, 1999 and published on September 11, 2001 with the help of printer Chua and then at 9 pm, I got online and saw the first thing of WTC’s twin towers on fire. 

We have been handling the earth in the worst scenario horizontally for decades or even centuries and grinding the earth to a halt with massive Covid-19 corpses and now it is COVER or Christ Over Vertically Everyone Redemption or the CROSS.  

So join me now and urgent in #EcoGenerations for the goodness of all.