Thursday, November 28, 2019

Let the present KKIA be for a longer time

Let the present KKIA be for a longer time
According to a news item “ Upgrade road before relocating KKIA: LDP”  (DE 28/11/2019 page 8), there are various important issues linked to the existing KKIA when some people are thinking that ‘KKIA’ airport be moved  elsewhere away from Kota Kinabalu.
There had been talks of moving KKIA some decades ago and it is still useful and serve the good purpose for the travellers local and foreign alike.
One of the reasons given for moving KKIA away was that KK could not have buildings of more than twelve storeys. But now we have some buildings (new ones also coming up) of 25 storeys in CBD.
There was later another excuse to move the KKIA because of TAED at Tanjung Aru Beach. Now that TAED is unlikely to proceed in the then proposed development, KKIA can actually be expanded to service increasing number of passengers there.  If TAED had been applied with massive reclamation, the KKIA would be in a valley in between TAED and the Kepayan hills and the said valley likely be flooded in heavy rain downfalls.
Also there are many upcoming luxurious hotels and resorts in and around Kota Kinabalu and so more essential that KKIA remains where it is. Travellers would be too tired to come to KK in search of living accommodation if the new “KKIA” be in Kuala Penyu and there-about. Such new airport so far away from KK would deter tourists to come to KK especially the road infrastructure linking the new airport is not in place even with the completion of Pan Borneo highway.
Further it would be a deterrent for local travel within Sabah to go down so far to Kuala Penyu to fly to Sandakan and Tawau while retaining KKIA for local travel alone can be unsustainable.  Any international airport would need to be a connecting destination for both local and international travel for feasible convenience in terms of costs and time.
Instead of moving KKIA into ‘down south’ sabah as Sabah is a tourists destination across Sabah, it would be more advantageous to make more international airports in Sandakan, Tawau and another one in the interior of Sabah with enlarged facilities for increasing tourists to Sabah. KKIA at its present location can increase its handling of tourists when a fair spread across Sabah is done to avoid peak arrivals or departures. In this way tourism would be better serviced across Sabah although KKIA remains the major gateway for tourists in Borneo even when the Indonesian capital moves to Kalimantan.
I hope due consideration be accorded to our air travel for travellers especially it would be much more convenient from East Sabah to west Sabah or vice versa with the prompt completion of Pan Borneo Highway as there is so much to see on the road travel. Also in this way our hinterland in Sabah would be getting some economic returns.  Also the mixed mobility by air, sea and the roads would be much to be achieved for sightseeing of tourism hotspots in Sabah.
Should a much better airport be required around KK as the proven achievable gateway to Borneo and for easy access, would Gaya Island be considered as an airport destination given that China had built a massive airport on reclaimed Spratly island so near to Kota Kinabalu.
I think when we think of infrastructure in Sabah since 1963, money or adequate fund is the fundamental issue as it is lacking whenever the need arises.   Talking of the many billions of tourism earnings annually, the will of the Federal and State Governments to implement the much needed infrastructure should prevail.
Joshua Y C Kong, 29/11/2019

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Police Reports (2) on double six

Police Report by Joshua Y C Kong against Rakimin Nawin  (RN) on  6 November, 2019
Supervisor Rakimin Nawin had on 19 August 2019 (DE 21/8/2019) lodged a Police Report against Joshua Y C Kong and he alleged matters and urge the authorities to take criminal action against me in criminal matters under Penal code 202 which states that in Act 574 -202 of the Penal code as “Whoever, knowing or having reason to believe that an offence has been committed, intentionally omits to give any information respecting that offence which he is legally bound to give, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine or with both.”
I have written two letters “ Only RCI can provide closure to mystery” (DE 23 June, 2019)  and “RCI still the best means of knowing what happened” (DE 7 July, 2019), both for Royal Commission of Inquiry with good intention.
The few facts revealed by me is for the RCI to dwell in to find closure so that the souls living or dead can be set free. They can be information untouched in the socalled investigation in 1976 with the report soon classified as official secret while RCI report must be made public. So it is never too late to expose what had been missing in 1976. Crimes committed has no time limit after so much soul searching within me.
I would like to have those Police Reports lodged against me on Double Six.
I urge the authorities investigate supervisor Rakimin Nawin for his interest in the Double Six.  Has a statement of his being recorded by Police?
If penal code 202 is applied on me, then I had lodged more than 30 Police Reports and extended these reports to MACC, Suhakam and Biro Pengaduan Awam. Are these bodies (PDRM, MACC, Suhakam and BPA ) withholding such criminal activities given by me also be subject to PC 202?  The lists of Police reports are attached.
       Joshua Y C Kong
Laporan Police oleh Joshua Y C Kong atas Rakimin Nawin (RN) pada    6hb November, 2019
Pengelia Rakimin Nawin pada 19hb Ogos,2019 (DE 21 Aug., 2019) buat laporan Polis atas Joshua YC Kong dan dia tuduh perkara-perkara dan gesa perentah ambil tindakan pada saya kaitan jenayah di bawah Kod Jenayah 202 yang di sebut dalam akta 574 “Whoever, knowing or having reason to believe that an offence has been committed, intentionally omits to give any information respecting that offence which he is legally bound to give, shall be punished with imprisonment for a term which may extend to six months or with fine or with both.
Saya ada tulis dua puchok surat “ Only RCI can provide closure to mystery” (DE 23 June, 2019)  dan “RCI still the best means of knowing what happened” (DE 7 July, 2019), kedua minta bagi Suruhanjaya Di Raja  dengan perhatian yang jujur.
Beberapa kenyataan yang didedahkan oleh saya ialah kea rah Suruhanjaya Di Raja (SDR) supaya dapat penutupan case itu jadi orang-orang bekenaan yang hidup atau mati boleh di bebaskan.  Perkara perkarayang mungkin belum di sentokkan dalam siasatan di tahun 1976 laporannya di tutup sebagai rahsia resmi apabila laporan SDR terus di papankan selepas di seleisaikan.  Jadi nya tidak terlambat dedahkan apa-apa yang belum di nampak pada tahun 1976.  Jenayah dilaku dah ada had masa selepas beberapa lama semangat saya cari dalam sendiri (soul searching).
Saya mahu dapat Laporan Police dan penyataan  pada saya berkaitan Double Six.
Saya gesa pihak yang berkuasa siasat penyelia Rakimin Nawin atas minat nya dalam Doube Six. Adakah penyataan RN di buat oleh Polis?
Kalau Kod Jenayah 202 di gunakan atas saya, saya sudah buat laporan Police sebanyak 30 dan laporan itu ada di hantarkan ke SPRM, Suhakam dan Biro Pengaduan Awam. Adakah badan –badan ini ( PDRM, SPRM, Suhakam dan BPA) yang ambil dan dah buat apa-apa atas laporan itu juga di salahkan di bawah Kod Jenayah 202?  Senarai Laporan Polis adalah di sertai.
Joshua Y C Kong      NB: English version is more accurate

Police Report by Joshua Y C Kong against Awang Jambul believed to be a staff of Tan Sri Harris Salleh, the exCM of Sabah 1976-1985     6 November, 2019

Awang Jambul (AJ)– a real name – wrote a letter in Daily Express on 30 June, 2019 titled “Double Six: Acknowledge facts, reality” and in that letter he mentioned three important issues namely 1.  The letter by Joshua Y C Kong in forum last Sunday for the establishment of a Royal Commission of Inquiry……….is RUBBISH, FALSE AND NONSENCE; 2. Much trouble with previous government (USNO) what trouble?  Absolute nonsence – Anti Malaysia ? 3. Harris Mohd Salleh (HMS) to sue me apart from other minor inaccurate issues.
The matters before us is (1) that AJ is anti Royalty and great insult to the Monarchy and greatly disparage and disgrace the YDP DYMM Agong as RCI is the prerogative of Agong. (2)  AJ charged that Joshua Kong is Anti Malaysia which is a criminal defamation as he has no proof of that and that it is a false allegation to downgrade me in the nation I love so much as I served sincerely and very well in the Sabah Civil Service with millions of recovered revenue. (3) Why AJ urged HMS to act against me when HMS always claimed that he alone would sue on Double Six (DE 14 June 2019)?
AJ did not bring up Penal Code 202 but unknown supervisor Rakimin Nawin raised this in a Police Report on 19 August, 2019, two month later.
With this report, I urge that Awang Jambul and any others connected with him be taken to task accordingly for what he had done with evil intent in the said letter.
  Joshua Y C Kong

Laporan Polis oleh Joshua Y C Kong ke – atas Awang Jambul disangka kakitangan Harris M. Salleh (HMS) mantan Ketua Menteri 1976-1985  pada 6hb November, 2019
Awang Jambu (AJ) – nama asal- telah tulis surat di Daily Express pada 30 June, 2019 bertajuk forum Ahad lalu supaya buat Suruhanjaya Di-Raja (SDR) sebagai “RUBBISH, FALSE AND NONSENCE (sampah, palsu, merapik)”; (2) saya Anti Malaysia atau bantah Malaysia (3) HMS ambil tindakan Mahkamah dan lain lain..
Perkara didepan kita adalah (1) AJ adalah seorang anti-raja-raja, jatuhkan meruah institusi raja-raja (monarchi), merendah-rendah YDP DYMM Agung apabila adalah kuasa-kuasa Agong berkaitan tugasnya yang dah boleh dikecilkan  (2) AJ katakan saya anti Malaysia tanpa bukti dan inilah criminal defamation /pencemaran jenayah kerana tuduhan palsu itu turun status saya sebagai orang ta’at negara yang saya cintai dan berkhidmat dengan jujur dalam perkidmatan negeri Sabah dengan mempungut banyak hasil berjuta-juta ringgit.  (3)Kenapa AJ gesa HMS ambil tinakan Mahkamah pada saya apabila HMS selalu dakwa sendirinya bertindak atas Double Six (DE 14hb June, 2019)?
AJ dak bawa perkara Kod Jenayah 202 tetapi orang biasa Rakimin Nawin bongkar perkara hal ini dalam Laporan Polis pada 19 Ogos, 2019 dua bulan kemudian.
Dengan laporan ini, saya gesa bahawa tindakan perentah yang semestinya diambil atas Awang Jambul dan orang lain berkaitan nya kerana apa yang jahat/dosa di buat oleh AJ dalam suratnya

Joshua Y C Kong       NB: English vyersion is more accurate.